
One eye on the past

Posted on September 8, 2015 by Andy Thorpe under People, Places

033 Aldburgh Sea Wall and Older People

The connection is “sea walls”, which I know is similar to “seaside walks” from a few connections ago, but I’m a bit limited for choice this week because my pc is at the computer hospital!  I can only use what I’ve already uploaded to WordPress, a predicament which would be solved by fully subscribing to the concept of the “cloud”, ie storing images away from home/work.  Yes, I admit it, I’ve uploaded some potential connection candidates in advance!  This might be cheating, or at least limiting.

Talking of cloud, the position of the ones in the above image in relation to the people suggests to me something about the passage of time. “One eye on the past” is probably a more positive way to describe how the lady might be moving on with her life, but equally a negative description could be “missed the boat” or “if only” or “back in my day…”.  The cloud could imply that change has happened with the present/the future being difficult or impossible to deal with……and the people above thought that they were just having a rest and a snack!  They were in fact taking part in a photo-psychological experiment on how to portray life-events based on the arrangement of physical items framed by an equilateral shape. (Sorry.)

I’m not sure what the fairly featureless, and apparently endlessly continuous, road, yellow lines, wall, beach, sea and sky of the photo say about the idea of how life goes on. Perhaps there’s a lot of “same-ness” and then now and again something interesting comes along, in this case a group of clouds.  I suppose this means that we’d better not miss whatever the interesting thing is and fully appreciate it at the time.  Looking back would then be possible to do with fondness etc, rather than sadness about missing the boat at the time.

Crikey, that was a somewhat deeper than expected set of words for the latest connection.  I never know where these things are going until I start writing!

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